Personal Injury

  • Law on Employees’ Compensation (Part I): Tortious Claims – Pits and Falls in Liability

    This seminar forms a series with the seminar on Law on Employees’ Compensation (Part II) – Please go to to learn more.

    A thorough examination of the basic legal requirement in liability and the intriguing situations arising in a tortious claim: (whether in industrial accidents /public liability /criminal incident / traffic accidents ) :

    12 Aug, 2017

  • Law on Employees’ Compensation (Part I): Tortious Claims – Pits and Falls in Liability

    A thorough examination of the basic legal requirement in liability and the intriguing situations arising in a tortious claim: (whether in industrial accidents /public liability /criminal incident / traffic accidents):

    09 Jul, 2016

  • Law on Employees’ Compensation (Part II): Damages and Compensation Awards in PI Claims

    A thorough examination of the basic legal requirement in liability and the intriguing situations arising in a tortious claim: (whether in industrial accidents /public liability /criminal incident / traffic accidents ) :

    21 Oct, 2017
