Annie Chan has specialized in forensic accounting, fraud investigation, regulatory compliance consulting, dispute resolution, litigation support and corporate advisory services for over 25 years. She has also been a Senior Manager, Enforcement Division, at the Securities and Futures Commission and a partner and Managing Director of a Big Four Accounting firm.
She has assisted lawyers, inhouse counsel, regulators, financial institutions, listed companies and multi-national companies, namely United States, Japanese, French and German clients in investigations including investigating ethical issues in the work place, breach of trust, breach of code of conduct, fraud, false accounting and other suspected irregularities.
Her forensic experience includes financial investigation, corporate and fraud investigation, securities fraud investigation, asset tracing, anti-money laundering review, shareholders dispute, matrimonial dispute and probate dispute etc. She has been engaged by Regulators/ Government including the Securities and Futures Commission, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Department of Justice, the Independent Commission Against Corruption in various investigation/ enforcement actions acting as forensic accountant or expert witness.
Annie is an accomplished and experienced public speaker. She has made numerous presentations on forensic accounting, investigation, anti-money laundering, expert testimony, and on regulatory updates for clients, solicitors, bankers and accountants.